DD info

Employers and Agencies May Not Hold and Keep Domestic Workers' Passports


ASKING: When starting work at an employer's home, what should I do, as well as what should I know as a domestic worker in Hong Kong?

ANSWER: There are several things that Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who work as domestic workers (PRT) know and do in Hong Kong, when they start working at their employer's home. Among them, first, Sahabat Migran submits receipts for all expenses related to the work document process from the country to facilitate the return of these costs from the employer.

Second, ask the employer to explain what work to do so that they have a clear picture of what the employer expects from the Migrant Friend. It must be remembered, Friends of Migrants will only carry out household work as stipulated in the provisions of the "Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties" stated in the standard employment contract of the Hong Kong Immigration.

Third, and it is very important to know, Sahabat Migran must keep their own personal identity documents (among others: KTP / HKID, passport, and other identity cards). No one, including employers or agency staff, keeps a Sahabat Migran's passport / KTP / HKID by force or without Sahabat Migran's consent. Whatever the reason!

If an employer or agency staff forces Sahabat Migrant to submit a passport / HKID / KTP or other documents such as a copy of a work contract for them to keep, Sahabat Migrant can report it to the Indonesian Consulate General or to the Hong Kong Labor Department. [DDHKNews]

Source: A Practical Handbook for Hong Kong's Department of Foreign Labor

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