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AIMS Held Grand Recitation at the TST Mosque on Sunday, January 8

Al-Istiqomah International Muslim Society (AIMS) - the Hong Kong BMI organization - will hold a grand recitation with the theme "New Year New Spirit, Let Us Know Our Self, Digging Achievements to Realize Achievements" by presenting a spiritual motivator, trainer, and bestselling author Happy Home, Ustadz H. Komarudin Chalil, M.Ag. The event will take place in the Hall Floor of the Tsim Tsa Tsui Mosque (TST), MTR Exit A, Sunday 8 January 2012.

The plan is for the recitation to start at 10 am until it is finished with generous donations. HK and Macau BMIs who need further information can contact the committee Mrs. Anik (97159299), Ida (93174759), and Mujiati (92432493).

"The goal is to fill and make sense of the New Year by sharing knowledge. For those who have read books Happy Home the work of Ustadz Komarudin, surely you already know, there is a lot of knowledge that we can get, "said Deputy Chairman of AIMS, Ida.

"We hope this can be a very useful recitation. Please come for everyone. Besides getting knowledge, they can also share their sustenance through donations. InsyaAllah, it will be beneficial for those in need at our shelter, ”he added. (Anita Sri Rahayu / ddhongkong.org). *

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