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Ulil Albab, Pioneering Kindness Gains Blessings

Being a person who has a role in the social environment is an added value for a human being. Not just living for oneself, but his mind, energy, wealth and knowledge are utilized for the benefit of the people.

Being civilized, knowledgeable and doing good deeds are the three pillars that a Muslim must have in order to practice the hadith of the Prophet which reads "the best of humans is the most beneficial for others ".

It is impossible for a person to benefit maximally if he only focuses on himself. Who only thinks about personal success and doesn't care about who might be harmed by an ambition.

But it is also not useful if someone continues to do charity but is not based on the right knowledge. Because charity without knowledge is like trickery that misleads people from the truth. Knowledge is the origin of all actions. Knowledge is the priest of charity, and charity is the general.

"It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and the earth is like this. Allah's orders apply to him so that you will know that Allah has power over all things, and in fact Allah's knowledge really covers everything." (Surah At-Thalaq: 12)

Therefore Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong with its various programs has committed to providing facilities and infrastructure for anyone who is determined to seek knowledge in order to maximize their potential. One of BMI's favorite programs is the Daiyah Ulil Albab class. There is a briefing on the basics of being a treatise deliverer.

At the third meeting, Sunday 17 February 2019 at the DD Hong Kong office, the material discussed was contemporary ziswaf management as well as community management and volunteerism which was delivered directly by GM DD Hong Kong Mr. Muhammad Imam Baihaqi. In addition, the Daiyah Ulil Albab class is also taught about the science of faith and fiqh law. Each material is delivered lightly so that it is easily understood by BMIs, who basically have various backgrounds.

From this program, it is hoped that every BMI who has been properly equipped with Islamic knowledge will be able to preach both within the BMI itself and in the environment where they work. (Ida Royani)

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