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Ulil Albab DDHK Invites BMI HK to Learn Arabic

Ulul Albab Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDH) invited BMI Hong Kong to learn Arabic with Ustadzah Muhrodatul Fanzilah (filler in the rubric for learning Arabic in Magazine Iqro) near Tenda Putih Bawah, Victoria Park, Sunday January 8, 2012. According to the coordinator of Ulil Albab DDHK, Yuni Shandriya Ratmoko, learning Arabic has become a routine agenda every 2nd week of every month. Participants are required to bring writing tools, such as books, erasers, pencils or ballpoint pens.

The event will start at 11.00 to 13.00 noon and open to the public. "For anyone who wants to join, they can register directly at number 92446744 and hopefully be consistent in their learning," he hoped.

Other Ulil Albab agendas include recitation on Sunday (8/1) at Hidayatun Nisa Saikung at 11.00-12.30, at Al Hidayah Causeway Bay at 14.00-15.30 with Ustadz Sigit Yulianta, and at Al Hikmatullah Hang Hau at 14.00-15.30 with Ustadzah Pangestuti Faizah.

In addition, DDHK also held counseling or advocacy for BMI HK at 13.30-16.00 at the White Tent (8/1) as well as welcoming GM DDHK Ustadz Ahmad Fauzi Qosim and the release of Ustadz Boy Mareta, Ustadz Sigit Yulianta, Zhizi Siregar, and Zahrana Husainy at the Tent. White. (Tati Tia Surati / ddhongkong.org). *

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