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Tausiyah: Four Ways to Achieve a Blessing Life

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - The Jama'ah Roudlotul Qolbiyah (JRQ) Assembly, Saturday (2/3/2019), held a recitation at Yuen Long. The recitation was attended by Ustadz Donny Meilano, from Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong as a tausiyah giver.

In his tausiyah, Ustadz Donny emphasized that the blessing of life is not measured by the number of assets owned and the amount of salary received. Said the man who is active in the organization of the Indonesian Mosque Council, Ikatan Dai Indonesia, and the Association of Muslim Intellectuals throughout Indonesia, a blessed life will be achieved if we depend on Allah Ta'ala.

"Therefore, we need to learn how to get blessings in life," he said.

Ustadz Donny conveyed four ways to achieve a blessed life. First, to make Allah the only support. That way, one must have a strong belief that sustenance, health and death have been determined by Allah.

Second, always include God in every step of work and life. Third, never feel disappointed with humans. Because, humans are a place to help each other, not a place to ask.

Fourth, have the awareness to help Islam. "Because Allah will help those who help His religion," said the academic at the Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Palembang.

As well as at the JRQ Yuen Long assembly, on the same day Ustadz Donny also gave tausiyah at the Al-Muhajiroh assembly, Tai Po. [AR]

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