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Muslim Mother's Recitation Discusses Surat Al-'Ashr

recitation of Muslim mothersDDHK News, Hong Kong - The recitation of Muslim Women BMI Hong Kong together with the Da'iyah Safari Cordofa DDHK Ustadzah Badriyah, Sunday (13/4), discussed the criteria for people who are lucky in the hereafter.

The Ustadzah who is also the supervisor of the Ulil Albaab DDHK Learning Group refers to QS. Al-Ashr. "In fact, humans are in a state of loss, except for those who believe, do good deeds, and advise each other to be patient, and advise each other in matters of truth."

He said, no one wants himself to lose money, but most humans are negligent. "Therefore, do these four things and make the best use of your time so that we are not among the people who are the losers of the world and the hereafter," he said.

This time, the Muslim Mother's recitation was enlivened with prayer, thanksgiving, and closed with a group prayer. (Listyawati / Volunteer / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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