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Muslim Teenagers Become Figures of Religious Harmony in Canada

douah-shaksukiDDHK News, Canada - A Muslim girl, Douah Shakshuki, receives a Population Award Certificate from Governor Wolfville in Canada's east coast province, Nova Scotia. He was appreciated for his efforts to build harmony between religious communities and help others.

"She's a good girl. He thinks beyond his years, ”said the 8th grader teacher, Angie Rushton, was quoted as saying republica.co.id from onIslam.net  (12 / 3).

Wearing a veil, Shakshuki appeared to receive an award. He was nominated by his teacher as a hard worker with a natural leadership talent.

Guru Shakshuki realized the girl's talent since she was in 6th grade. At that time, she presented a culture that was able to make her classmates understand why, as a Muslim woman, she was veiled.

Shakshuki is also active in humanitarian social activities Free the Children which was held by Wolfville School. To help with this activity, she and her two friends who also wear headscarves make and sell bread.

Receiving an award from Wolfville Governor JJ Grant, Shakshuki said the moment gave him the opportunity to also hear about the success of others.

As the youngest child in his family, he admits that his older siblings and parents are good examples for him.

The Muslim population in Canada is around 1,9 percent of the total population of 32,8 million. Islam is the second largest religion after Christianity in North American countries. (ROL / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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