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Israel Worries about Increasing Islamism in Tunisia

The Zionist regime of Israel is concerned about the increasing trend towards Islam in Tunisia after the fall of Ben Ali's regime.

The journal Le Point, in its latest edition today (18/1) writes, the Israeli Minister for Territorial Expansion, reacted to the latest developments in Tunisia and said, "The fall of Ben Ali's regime has paved the way for the development of Islamist movements in that country."

The French published journal further wrote, "Until now the international community prefers to turn a blind eye to cases of human rights violations in Tunisia, but now expresses concern over the increase in Islamism in Tunisia which was previously banned during the Ben Ali regime."

Tunisia and the Zionist regime of Israel, in 1994 agreed to open offices of guardian interests in their respective countries. However, in 2000, Tunisia closed the office of guarding its interests in Tel Aviv, in order to protest Israeli repression of the Palestinian intifada.

Based on statistics, Tunisia's population reaches 11 million, 98 percent of which are Muslim, the rest are Christians, and a group of Jews. (IRIB / MZ / SL)

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