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American Muslim Students Hold Islamic Awareness Week

USMuslims-Shares-Islam-with-CampusDDHK News, United States - Muslim students at the campus of Western Washington University, United States (US), held various events entitled "Islamic Awareness Week" (Islamic Awareness Week) to eradicate misconceptions about Islam and present a true picture of Islam.

"The aim of this event is to touch on many misconceptions and misinterpretations about Muslims and Islam," said one of the organizers, Nafeesa Imtiaz. "Often students and community members don't really know about Islam."

The event, which is held annually by the Western Washington University - Muslim Student Association (WWU MSA), is filled with discussions on the issue of the hijab.

Imtiaz admitted that wearing a headscarf is a form of humility in the presence of friends, society and family based on their character and personality. "The purpose of wearing the hijab is not to oppress women. Personally, I think wearing the hijab is very liberating, ”said Imtiaz.

According to Imtiaz, the Week of Islamic Awareness is also a way to combat ignorance and educate non-Muslims about Islam. So far, knowledge about Islam is only based on media coverage of which the balance is still questionable. "So we want to touch on that and answer questions or resolve any misunderstandings people have," he said.

Through these activities it is intended to spread awareness and be inclusive for anyone present. Imtiaz also guarantees that there is no discrimination in the learning process. "We don't differentiate between anyone, we always keep the events very general, and we also try not to be too specific about religion," he said. (mel / onislam.net / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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