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Want to be a Successful PMI? Here are the Tips and Tricks

By: Asih Ika Wulandari (DDHK Computer Class Participants)


"Do what you love, and love what you do."

Have you heard the above expression? Of course it's familiar, right? However, this is not always the case. There are times when we have to do something we don't like for the sake of a demand or responsibility.

Like us, who have to work as an Indonesian migrant worker (PMI). I think, not all of us like this profession, but we must continue to live it in order to realize a dream. Regardless of all that, how we respond to circumstances, depends on each of us.

Dear Friends! As a PMI, of course we have a desire that one day we can become a successful PMI. Then, what should we do? Are there any specific tips and tricks to make it happen?

Well, below I will try to give a little review of these tips and tricks. What are some of them? Let us, check it out!

Right intention

Yes! The first is intention. Intention is like a compass that will show you the direction to go when we get lost. Doesn't everything depend on the intention?

The name of living in the outside world, with free association, sometimes we don't always walk straight. There are times when when you are enjoying a straight walk, you suddenly want to turn. Sometimes it turns right mixed left, or the "turn signal" lights up the right but turns left instead.

Now, if this is the case, it means it's time for us to recall what our original goals and intentions were to become PMI. Because without any intention, it is impossible for us to be willing to leave our family and work in this faraway country.

Strong will

The existence of a strong will will automatically give us the strength to survive in all circumstances.

As we know, the fate of everyone is different even though they have the same profession. As PMI, let's say if there is one of us, getting an employer is not what we expected. However, if we have a strong will to survive, then we will not cry, let alone easily complain. So, can go through the day lightly.

Unanimous determination

Determination is needed for a PMI, so that we can be encouraged. Determined to leave your hometown in order to achieve a goal.


Of course, we are familiar with this word. What is resilience?

Yes! Resilient means not easy to give up. Have a strong will to achieve goals. Thorough and diligent, so that you always have enthusiasm and sincerity in carrying out work.

Take care of the association

Dear Friends! Association also plays an important role in determining success.

Why is that? So, here it is…

Have you heard, the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, which roughly contains a message like this: "If we gather with oil sellers, the fragrance will catch us. If we gather with blacksmiths, we will also be spattered with fire. At a minimum, get exposed to the smoke. "

From the message of the Prophet's words, it can be concluded that making friends also affects one's condition. Because there are friends who can lead us on the right path, and vice versa.

So, we should be selective in choosing friends. Don't get influenced by friends who can lead you on the wrong path.

Don't be extravagant

Ah, I am embarrassed if I have to talk about this, because I can't practice it myself. However, what's wrong if we both try. In essence, the word "extravagant" is closely related to spending money. So sure!

We should be good at managing finances. They say they want to be frugal, but every holiday they sit at the Ladies Market, Mong Kok, or in shopping centers in Hong Kong!

If only once, that's fine. But if you have frequent, are you sure your faith will not waver? Moreover, if there is a big discount. Or, frequent visits to online stalls that are very tempting.

But also, don't be stingy with yourself. As long as it is within reasonable limits, it's OK. Prioritize buying something that is really necessary. Don't overdo it, because everything that is excessive is displeased by God.

Save money regularly

The next stage, after successfully managing finances by economizing, save the results of your hard work so that we have savings for future preparation.

Have a clear target

Because working as PMI is not the same as other professions, before doing this profession we should have a target. How long have you wanted to be a PMI?

Of course, no one wants to stay overseas forever, right? Of course it is everyone's hope if they can live well in their hometown, side by side with their beloved family.

However, if the circumstances to be endured are different from what we expect, then what else can we say, besides being happy to accept all certainties? While, living it with great patience.

In addition to the target date, we must also have a target of what we want to achieve after we have money from working as PMI. For example, planning if you come back later you can have a house, be able to fulfill your children's education, or have your own business.

Lots of alms

As we all know, among the benefits of sadaqah is to keep us away from disasters, multiply our wealth and rewards, as well as many other benefits.

So let us be able to give some of what we have to people who also need it. That way, Allah will add to the blessings we get.

Pray a lot

Prayer is our main weapon. Effort and hard work will be more effective when balanced with obligations to God Almighty.

Well! Those were some tips and tricks to be a successful PMI, although only from a subjective point of view. If later, we have worked hard to do the things mentioned above, but have not succeeded either, so be patient. Because, nothing is instant. Everything needs a process. God will definitely give you at the appointed time.

Most importantly, keep trying, pray, and trust Him. Humans are free to make choices. However, God is the holder of all provisions. Allah knows best.

How about it, Dear Friends? Enlightened already? If not, that's okay, because I'm just giving tips to become a successful PMI. Not currently advertising whitening cream. Hehe…

Finally, I hope this article will be of particular benefit to me, and hopefully it will also be of use to Migrant Friends, if anyone wishes to read it.

Hopefully we can become PMIs who are not only dignified, but also useful for others. Sorry if something doesn't fit in my writing.



Hong Kong, 19 October 2019.

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