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These 3 Things That Destroy and Save Mankind

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - Dai Cordofa Dompet Dhuafa Hong kong (DDHK), Ustadz David Sugianto Jafris, Sunday (21/7/2019), filling out a study at the Yuen Long Taklim Council. On this occasion, the preacher from West Sumatra conveyed three things that can destroy and save human beings in their lives.

The three things that can destroy humans are greed and hunks, aka stingy, too lustful, and arrogant. On the other hand, the things that can save humans in this life, namely, fear of Allah Ta'ala, are simple, and just, both when they are angry and when they are happy.

“There are three things that destroy and three things that save. The three things that destroy are: ignorance and greed to be obeyed, lust to be followed, and a person who prides himself. Meanwhile, the three things that save are fear of Allah when alone and seen by many people, simple in times of lack and sufficiency, and (say and do) fair when angry and happy, "said Ustadz David, while quoting the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, which was narrated. from Sahabat Anas, Ibn Abbas, Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin Abi Aufa, and Ibn Umar Radhiyallohu 'Anhum. [Marlina | Praise Mulyani Lerry]

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