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Online Study of Ulil Albab DDHK Discusses Night Prayers

One of the conditions loved by Allah SWT is to wake up at night to perform night prayers or midnight prayers. This was said by Ustadz Triyono Hari Kuntjoro from Yogyakarta when filling out Ulil Albab's online study Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Tuesday (1/2).

Ust. Kuntjoro was present in Hong Kong at the invitation of DDHK to participate in various activities, especially the DDHK gathering with Hong Kong BMI organizations and the Prophet's Birthday Commemoration in Victoria Park on 12 February 2012.

He explained that the benefits of night prayers include our additional worship, the better as a means of getting closer to Allah and will. "People who pray at night will be upgraded," he explained.

"That night prayer is the worship of pious people. The midnight prayer is best performed after the fardhu prayer and after waking up. Good night prayers are performed in the last third of the night or at dawn, "he added.

The online study, which was attended by about 70 people, started at 23.00 until one o'clock in the morning Hong Kong time. (Tati Tia Surati / ddhongkong.org). *

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