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Dompet Dhuafa Give Aid Fake Feet

BOGOR | INDONESIA - Dompet Dhuafa (DD), Saturday (2/11/2019), provided assistance in the form of prosthetic limbs to people in need. Assistance was provided in Parung, Bogor, with Adira Insurance Syariah and Suyoto Hospital.

“Free Health Services Dompet Dhuafa (LKC DD) became the executor in these activities. The selected beneficiaries are those of productive age. Primarily from the community who really need assistance in procuring prosthetic limbs, have the enthusiasm and commitment to continue to fight for independence, implement a healthy lifestyle, and are also willing to take care of the prosthetic limbs that are given. So that the benefits will be felt for a long time, ”said Sifing Lestari, Director of LKC DD Banten.

Sifing explained that the recipients of the aid came from various regions in Indonesia. "Training is also provided to ensure that the beneficiaries are actually able to use it smoothly, in various situations and conditions on the roads they are on," he said.

The provision of prosthetic limbs is a series of activities from the National Health Day which falls on 12 November. This year's National Health Day is widely celebrated with various activities throughout LKC DD throughout Indonesia. The highlight will be marked by the launch of a book for 18 years of Free Health Services and an empowerment festival scheduled for late November. [News source: Dompetdhuafa.org]

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