
Answering the Adhan from HP, is it Sunnah?

DDHK.ORG - The atmosphere that is far from home often makes homesickness peak. From the sound of birds chirping in front of the house, the cool morning air at dawn, to the call to prayer echoed by the muezzin every five times a day.

The sound of chanting the call to prayer that comes from various prayer rooms and mosques that are intertwined seems to describe the greatness of Allah in the country, my homeland, Greater Indonesia, a country with a majority Muslim population. How beautiful my country.

Apparently, the atmosphere is very different when in the Land of Concrete. Only a few mosques are here. Even then, without the call to prayer that can be heard to the public. When you hear the call to prayer that is 'reminded' by your cellphone, it is as if you are reminding your schedule to face the Lord, the Most Great.

The question is, what if we answer the call to prayer that is sung from a cellphone or a digital clock that has a prayer time reminder alarm?

Shaykh Ismail Zain, Mufti Shafi'iyyah of Mecca, said:


: ﻳﺴﻦ ﺇﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺣﺎﻙ ﻭﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺍﻋﻠﻢ.

When he was asked about the law of answering greetings through an intermediary, the summary of his answer was as follows: If the call to prayer is live or direct and broadcast through anything, be it Youtube, television, cellphone, as an intermediary tool, then it is still sunnah to answer the call to prayer. and pray afterwards. However, if the call to prayer is not live and is the result of repeated recordings, or a cellphone application program that sounds at the time of the call to prayer, then it is not recommended to answer it.

However, if we hear the call to prayer from our cellphone or wall clock alarm and want to say certain readings after the azan sentences, it is counted as the practice of dhikr.

Allah knows best.

>>By Ustadz Fauzan Akbar Daulay, Dai Ambassador DDHK 2022. [DDHKNews]

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