
These are 5 Medicines for the Heart to Take Life

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - Dai Cordofa Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Ustadz H. Ahmad Syakir, S.Pd.I., M.Pd., Thursday (30/1/2020), delivered tausiyah at the regular recitation of the Jam'iyah Roudlotul Qolbiyah (JRQ) Yuen Long assembly. On that occasion, Ustadz Syakir said that the life of the world that is temporary and often neglects humans from the original purpose of their creators, namely worshiping Allah Ta'ala absolutely.

"This happened, among others, because he was far from religion, loved the world excessively, and was deceived by the world," he said.

Therefore, steps are needed so that the balance of the hereafter and the world can be achieved simultaneously. Among them, by treating the heart as a provision to navigate this short life. Ustadz Syakir also conveyed five liver medicines.

"Read the A-Qur'an and mentadabburnya, establish night prayers (tahajjud), gather with good people (pious / pious), increase dhikr, and maximize fasting," said this ustadz from Solo, Central Java.

He advised that these 5 things should always be presented so that the balance of the world and the hereafter can be achieved, as well as to heal the heart as the driving force of the human body and soul. [DDHKNews]

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