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SDL Hong Kong Holds Masal Rukyah

DDHK News, Hong Kong - The Sunnah Defense League (SDL) Hong Kong held a tablig akbar and mass prayer meeting, Sunday (6/3), at Just Dance Cafe Fortress Hill with Ust. Bachtiar Nasir and Ust. Ahmad Sahal Roja.

In his tausyiah, Ust. Roja conveyed the importance of Islamic medicine and the privileges of Thibbun Nabawi. "We must be vigilant, relying on mystical powers that sometimes the treatment does not make sense, is a medical practice that violates sunnatullah," he said.

"It could be that after treatment mystical or magic, someone recovered from an illness. However, please note that the healing process uses the help of a genie and is usually temporary. Indeed, someone's dependence on the jinn is the main target of Satan to destroy the creed of a servant of Allah, "he explained.

Ath-Thibbun Nabawi is the treatment of the way of the Prophet Muhammad. "Our Prophet was not sent down as a healer, but we are sure that what the Prophet said was a revelation," he said.

It is argued, the characteristics of this medicine are Divine and natural. In accordance with the Islamic concept which is natural, starting from faith, worship, muamalah, as well as in its treatment.

To quote Dr. Ja'far Khadem Yamani, the Islamic shari'ah brought by the Prophet Muhammad contains values atthib (medicine) pure and high. The principle of Islamic shari'ah is to bring benefits to mankind in the present and in the future.

According to the Head of SDL Hong Kong, Nurin, this event also aims as an inauguration and means of da'wah by introducing SDL Hong Kong to Hong Kong BMIs.

He said the vision and mission of SDL were first to dispel the rate of Shi'ism which had continued to grow in Hong Kong. Second, to make people aware of the dangers of Shi'a with the concept of D3 (Go to, Preach, and Pray). (amy utamy / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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