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Kashmiri Muslims Celebrate Prophet's Birthday with Seminars

Kashmir-Celebrates-Prophet-BirthdayDDHK News, Kashmir - Muslims in the Indian-occupied Kashmir region held a special seminar to celebrate the birthday (maulid) of the Prophet Muhammad. Thousands of people listened to lectures on the life story of the Prophet and prayed for peace in the region.

"We have been holding special seminars since the last two decades because outdoor celebrations are not allowed for security reasons in Kashmir province," said Moulvi Gh Mouhidin, head of the Imam of the mosque in downtown Kashmir.

Muslims in this disputed area between India and Pakistan always celebrate the Prophet's birthday with gusto. However, the ongoing conflict stifles enthusiasm. They now prefer to hold maulid in closed rooms (in-house) such as seminars.

Seminar speakers reminded Muslims of the value of love and brotherhood in Islamic teachings. (mel / onislam.net / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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