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Filipino workers convert to Islam at the Qotrunnada recitation

qotrunnada converted to IslamDDHK News, Hong Kong - Celebrating its 3rd anniversary, the Hong Kong BMI Qotrunnada Council held a recitation with Habib Muhammad Syahab (Leader of Majlis Ta'lim and Tadzkir Al-Anwar Jakarta) and Ustad Dedi Wahyudi at the Tsim Sha Tsui (STS) Kowloon Mosque , Sunday (4/5).

In the event themed "Peace My Country", Habib Muhammad in his tausiyah said, a person will never know Allah, will never get His taufiq, unless they know Allah's Prophet, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"For that, when we hear the name of the Prophet Muhammad, we say prayers for our prophet," said Al-Habib, starting his tausiyah.

"People who pray once to the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will reward him tenfold," he continued.

During the event, a migrant worker from the Philippines, Avelin, declared himself converted to Islam. Al-Habib Muhammad helped him to read the two sentences of the creed. This convert also changed his name to Fatimah according to Al-Habib's suggestion. (Sugiarti / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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