
3 Virtues a Muslim Should Have

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - Dai cordofa Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Ustadz Zulfirman, Friday (23/8/2019), filled out a religious study at the Jama'ah Roudlotul Qolbiyah (JRQ) Yuen Long assembly. He was accompanied by students of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya who were carrying out the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program in Hong Kong.

In his study, Ustadz Zulfirman conveyed material about goodness and piety that Allah Ta'ala said in the Koran, surah al-Baqarah, verse 177. "In that verse it is explained, to be a godly person we have to be good first," he said.

Ustadz Zulfirman also explained the steps to be a good person based on this verse. According to him, to be a good person must have three kinds of goodness. Namely, both in monotheism, both in sharia and muamalat, as well as morally.

"Either in monotheism is to believe in Allah (the Creator), the last day or the hereafter as our final destination, angels (transmitters of revelation), books as guides and prophets as guides," said Ustadz Zulfirman.

He also explained that either muamalat or sharia can be realized by offering prayers, paying zakat, donating our loved ones to relatives, orphans, the poor, and people in need. "Don't just give charity to things we don't like," he said.

"While good in morals, is to be patient in a narrow and spacious situation. (So ​​people like that) are people who are cautious, ”he concluded.

The study with the theme of the three types of goodness ended with prayer together and Asr prayer in congregation.

three kinds of kindness

[Alvin Uways Alqorni]

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