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Therapeutic Synergy Training: Ruqyah Must Be Total

Teraphy Synergy Hakikat Energy 1DDHK News, Hong Kong - Many people want to be abused, not to recover. In fact there are many who ask for meruqyah and rarely want to participate in the process towards true healing, healing in the afterlife.

This was stated by Ustadz Nuruddin Al-Indunissy alias Ust. NAI in the "Energy Nature Synergy Synergy and the Heart of the Qur'an Rehab Training" at the Wanchai Mosque, 19-20 April 2014.

Ruqyah (rukyah) is a method of healing by reciting something to a sick person.

"By participating in the Ruqyah Syar'iyah training, all participants are not only trained to become ruqyah practitioners but are directed towards permanent healing. Healing the afterlife with methods that have been proven to be able to break down the arrogance and the shackles of magic in the hearts of Muslims. "

Ust. NAI conveyed how Al-Quran heal and the reaction of the Qur'an on the body. He also explained that the process of being in a trance is the reaction of the body to the Koran.

According to him, the peak reaction of being in a trance is the indiscriminate dysfunction of organs, such as striking movements, twitches, vibrations, to certain systematic movements such as cursing screams, forming cries, or attacking certain sound triggers.

"It's interesting, psychological theory cannot possibly explain perfectly how this happened. Psychology, even if it can exclude, cannot provide a perfect solution or get to the root of the disease. Because the roots are in the unseen or in the form of a spirit that has never been discussed in the Western world. At best they call it emotional or emotion which in the Qur'an is called lust, "he said.

"Islam distinguishes an-nafs, soul, spirit, heart, conscience, and many other things that trigger the dysfunction of human organs," he added. (amy utamy / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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