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UIN Surabaya Students Give Religious Studies at JRQ Yuen Long

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - A student at the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya who is currently serving in the Land of Concrete, Ahmad Athoul Hasib, Wednesday (28/8/2019), gave a study of religion at the Jamaah Roudlotul Qolbiyah (JRQ) Yuen Long assembly. Starting with the recitation of Surah Yasin and tahlilan together, the study discusses the basic knowledge of Fiqh, such as procedures for purification, various kinds of water, fardhu and Wudlu sunnah, types of najis, and tayammum procedures.

After giving an explanation, Hasib continued with practice. He gave an example of how to do wudlu and tayammum properly. “The dust used for tayammum must be holy dust. Likewise, the water used for ablution must be holy water that purifies it, "he said.

The study ended with a prayer together, followed by eating and taking photos together.

[Alya Faiqoh Tamam]

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