
Memorizing Tips Al-Quran with Mutqin

DDHK. ORG – Memorizing tips Al-Quran with mutqin. Like what?

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

chaplain please enlighten. Any tips for memorizing? Al-Quran with mutqin, but someone is in a busy working condition and the rest time is very minimal.

Thank you master.

Barakallahu fiikum

Wassalamualaikum Warrohmatullah
Greetings, Fulanah


Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you


Can memorize Al-Quran and keeping it memorized is a very great gift from Allah Subhanahu wata'ala. However, because someone is too busy working, he doesn't have much time to memorize Al-Quran.

But that doesn't mean people who are super busy don't have the opportunity to be able to memorize Al-Quran. He must have a precise stance to be able to manage the time and energy in achieving this noble mission.

Among the memorization tips Al-Quran for very busy people are:

1. Straighten the intention only for Allah Subhanahu wata'ala
A person will be judged and rewarded based on his intentions. Do not memorize the Qur'an just because you want to be called a great person in the eyes of humans.

2. Consumption of halal food and beverages thoyyiban
Halal and good food is a very valuable source of nutrition for memorizers Al-Quran. With halal food, a person can more easily get taufiq from Allah. While good and nutritious food has a big positive effect on the brain to memorize it more easily Al-Quran.

3. Start with an easy verse or letter
Because by starting an easy verse or surah first rather than a difficult verse or letter, a memorizer will have an easier regulation and later he can gradually continue to the next difficult verse or letter.

4. Don't be in a hurry to memorize
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:

لَا لِسَانَكَ لِتَعۡجَلَ {سورة القيامة: }

"Don't you (Muhammad) move your tongue (to read) Al-Quran) because they want to hurry (want to master) it." {Surat al-Qiyamah: 16}

5. There must be a teacher
A memorizer Al-Quran must have a teacher who can guard the memorization by adding memorization (ziyadah) or repeating it (muraja'ah).

6. Choose the right time
memorization Al-Quran must choose the right time for him to do ziyadah or murajaah. For example, in one week he can add to his memorization for six days, then there is one day he makes to repeat his memorization.

7. Don't give up and get bored
The big enemy for a student of knowledge, especially memorizing Al-Quran is easy to give up and bored, or in religious terms called futhur. Convince yourself that Allah will make it easy to memorize Al-Quran. Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:

لَقَدۡ ا لۡقُرۡءَانَ لِلذِّكۡرِ لۡ {سورة القمر: }

And indeed, We have made it easy Al-Quran for warning (lessons), then is there anyone who wants to take lessons?" {Surat al-Qomar: 17}

Hope it is useful…

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Answered by Ustadz Very Setiawan.

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