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This is the behavior of the inmates of hell while living on earth

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - When giving religious studies at the Jam'iyah Roudlotul Qolbiyah (JRQ) Yuen Long assembly, Thursday (5/12/2019), Dai Cordofa Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto, conveyed that there are several names of hell in the eternal afterlife. He also conveyed, who were the inhabitants and what were their actions while living in this relatively short world, so that they were put into these hells.

"Some of it is used as fuel for hell. Some others, were sentenced to hell al-Huthamah, because during their lifetime they were detractors and cursers (insults), ”said Ustadz Talqis, quoting verse 6 of surah at-Tahrim and surah al-Humazah.

Meanwhile, those who do not pray, do not feed the poor, like to join people who speak evil (evil), and do not believe in the Day of Judgment until they die, their place is in Saqar hell. "People who do not believe in Allah to death will be threatened forever in hell," said this Holy-born ustadz.

The study was closed with an invitation to remind each other to be faithful, pious, and do good deeds, in order to be saved by Allah from the punishment of hell.


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