
Selling Sleepwear by Consumers Used Outside the Home to Break the Aurat

Selling Sleepwear by Consumers Used Outside the Home to Break the Aurat

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

If we produce sleepwear for husband and wife, then the clothes are selling well, then there are some who buy these sleepwear to wear out of the house, am I sinning as a producer?

The consumer wears it out of the house without wearing a headscarf and the sleeping pants are shorts above the knee. Am I sinning? But I made it no intention to show the genitals. However, it is more about husband and wife sleeping clothes to make it more romantic and happy, sakinah, mawaddah wa rohmah.

Thank you, Ustadz.

Greetings, Fulanah.


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

Thank you for your questions, may Allah always bless and bless you.

Religion commands or forbids something to its people there must be wisdom. Likewise with the order to cover the genitals.

In Surah An-Nur verse 31, Allah says, which means, "And do not reveal her adornment (aurat) except what is (usually) visible."

Muslim women who cover their genitals will get a reward, because they have carried out the commands that Allah SWT has required. He even gets a double reward, because by covering his aurat, he has saved others from committing adultery.

Clothing is wasilah in covering the genitals. Therefore, in muamalah activities (both from production to sales) clothing is permissible as long as it provides benefits and benefits to the buyer. We expect the clothes to be used properly, such as underwear or sleepwear, which is specifically used in its place, in this case at home or at bedtime.

Therefore, in the sale of sleepwear, if we know that there are buyers who use them inappropriately, such as in public places, then we should direct the transaction to buyers who understand better and use them according to their place. So that the sale of these sleepwear should be sold specifically, for example to the community of the taklim assembly, TPQ teachers, and others.

If the general condition is that there are still many who use it freely, it is better to be able to produce clothes that cover the genitals more.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


[Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim]


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