
Remember Allah when it's good and bad

We usually remember Allah SWT when we are hit by difficulties (difficult), pray to Him, even increase our worship. However, when we are happy, we sometimes forget Him, as Allah SWT insinuates Al-Quran:

"And when a man is in danger, he prays to Us lying down, sitting, or standing. But after We removed the danger thereof, he (returned) through (his wayward path), as if he had never prayed to Us to (remove) the danger that had befallen him. Such are the people who transgress ... " (QS. Yunus [10]: 12).

We must remember Allah in all circumstances, both bad and good times. If when we are happy we remember Allah, then Allah will "automatically" remember us (help us) when we are in trouble.

"Remember me, I will remember you too. And give thanks to Me, don't you kufr. " (Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 152).

"Remember Allah when you are happy, then Allah will remember you when you are difficult." (HR. Judge).

"Remember Allah when you are happy, surely He (Allah) will remember you when you experience difficulties. And know, that verily the things which escape from you are not destined for you, and the things which hit you are not destined to escape you. Surely help comes with patience, and the way out comes together with calamity; and in fact these difficulties must be accompanied by ease. " (HR. Muttafaq 'Alaih). Allah knows best. (ed / localhost / project / personal / / *

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