
Pray at Multazam

Praying at Multazam has many virtues. Multazam is even called one of the most efficacious places to pray.

Al-Multazam is part of the noble Kaaba, which is between the Black Stone and the Kaaba door. Its width is about 4 cubits (see al-Mausuu'ah al-Fiqhiyah al-Kuwaitiyah 39/26).

It is called a multazam because people who pray there practice it, by pressing their chest, face, hands and palms together while praying to Allah.

Praying at Multazam can be done when entering the Kaaba (if it is easy to enter it), it is permissible to do it before the wada' thawaf, and at any time. And the person who prays should not disturb other people by extending his prayer. As it is not permissible to jostle and hurt people just because of that. When you see that there is an opportunity and leeway, pray (in that place). If not, it is enough to pray during tawaf and (in) prostration of prayer.

There is a hadith which mentions the privilege of praying at Multazam, namely:

God bless you كَعْبَةِ قُلْتُ أَلاَ تَتَعَوَّذُ. قَالَ نَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ النَّارِ. Amen ُ وَذِرَاعَيْهِ وَكَفَّيْهِ هَكَذَا وَبَسَطَهُماَ بَسْطًا ثُمَّ قَالَ هَكَذَا رَآَيْتُ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ ص لى الله عليه وسلم يَفْعَلُهُ.

Meaning, “It was narrated from Amr bin Suaib, from his father, he said, 'I was doing tawaf with Abdullah (Abdullah bin Umar). When we were behind Baitullah, I asked, 'didn't you ask for protection?' Abdullah also said, 'We seek refuge in Allah from the heat of the torment of hell fire.' After finishing, Abdullah shook hands with the Black Stone and stood between the Black Stone and the door of the Ka'bah, then pressed his chest, face, elbows and both palms, 'this is how I saw Rasulullah SAW do it,'” (Sunan Abu Daud in Chapter Multazam , hadith number 1623, juz 5).

Hopefully there will be convenience for us to pray at Multazam.

11 Dzulqaidah 1444H/ 31 May 2023 (AFQ – Serial study towards the Hajj season 2023)

Photo source: Republika

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