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DDHK LPTQ: Al-Quran Is the Greatest Favors

lptq ddhk oral examDDHK News, Hong Kong - Al-Quran is the greatest blessing that Allah SWT has sent to humans. He is the greatest miracle. But this extraordinary miracle cannot be felt by all humans. Only certain people chosen by Allah SWT alone can feel the greatness of miracles Al-Quran.

This was conveyed by Ustadz Yayat Sudrajat (dai Cordofa DDHK) in the LPTQ DDHK oral exam which was attended by 8 Tung Chung students and 19 LPTQ Causeway Bay students, Sunday (11/5), at Tenda Putih Bawah, Victoria Park, Hong Kong.

He stated, every cycles of prayer we do must read Al-Fatihah which contains prayer "O Allah show us the straight path". Allah Almighty immediately answers our prayers in this verse with answers "That is the book (Al Quran) at the very least, there is no doubt in it that the guidance is only for pious people."

When we get close and start interacting regularly with Al-Quran, indicating that God willing, we are among the pious people who love and make the Al-Quran a guide to life.

"When we joined Halaqoh Al-Quran like this, Allah swt gives extraordinary fadhilah according to the hadith of the Prophet, "he explained.

Fadilah among them, first, was revealed sakinah namely peace of mind, tranquility of the soul, and peace of mind and this is the main source of human happiness.

Second, be overwhelmed by Rahmat. Grace is the love of Allah. "When we sit together in the halaqoh of the Quran, Allah will love us, who can beat Allah's love, it is very fortunate for us to spend our time and energy that should be used for holidays, relaxing, having fun, but we are sitting in the Quran assembly, this is proof that we are lovers of Allah SWT, "he said.

Third, angels surround the people who are seated in the Quran majlis. "Angels pray for the people who are sitting halaqoh Quran, so when we sit like this, pray a lot because the angels are praying for us," he said.

Fourth, Allah SWT mentions and prides the people who sit on the halaqoh of the Quran in front of their angels in the Throne.

"Who is not proud when our names are praised one by one by Allah SWT in front of his angels? These are among the four extraordinary virtues that Allah SWT promises to His servants who are always close to the Quran. Hopefully we can maintain this closeness so that we truly become His servants who are consistent with the Al Quran. And God willing, we deserve to be happy (successful) in the life of our world and the hereafter, "he concluded. (amy utamy / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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