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Kyai Asking Payment for Da'wah, How?

Aslm, pk ustad said according to the hadith that selling religion is a sin, but why is it true for kiayi or ajengan if it is preaching if it is not paid. 08882146XXX

ANSWER: Wlkmslm. Kyai or ajengan will not ask for payment for preaching. Their "payment" from Allah SWT which is invaluable in material terms. Da'wah is the obligation of all Muslims, especially the scholars who are indeed the heirs of the prophet to the spread of Islam. At the time of the Prophet and his companions, the religious teachers were guaranteed a living by Baitul Mal. Likewise, it should now be guaranteed by the state / ummah, so that the ulama especially foster the ummah without having to ask for payment, burdening the ummah with "transport money", or "working side jobs". Allah knows best

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