
Eliminate Bad Mouth With These Foods

DDHK.ORG - Even though you have maintained good oral hygiene, your breath still smells bad. There are several foods that help get rid of bad breath problems because of their deodorizing effects.

Here are some foods that help get rid of bad breath, according to the explanation dentist David Mitola was quoted as saying Indonesian CNN from LiveStrong.

Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotics or good bacteria have a number of health benefits. One of them is to make your breath fresh.

"Apart from being the best source for boosting calcium enamel, probiotic yogurt contains bacteria that help fight other bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath," says doctor Mitola.

Make sure to choose low-sugar yogurt because bacteria love to feast on sugary foods.


An apple a day can get rid of bad breath. According to doctor Mitola, the crispiness of apples helps remove bacteria and other foods that get stuck between the teeth or surfaces during chewing.

Apples also contain antioxidants called polyphenols which can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and reduce the production of compounds that cause bad breath.


Although ginger is best known as a natural remedy for stomach aches, it can also fight bad breath. "The compound gingerol-6 stimulates an enzyme in our saliva that breaks down foul smelling compounds containing sulfur," says Mitola.

Green vegetable

To prevent bad smells, you can mix in a large bowl of salad. "Green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and kale contain chlorophyll, a natural fragrance that neutralizes bad odors," says Mitola.

"Leafy greens also help balance your PH levels, keeping your mouth less acidic," he says.

Better yet, spinach, kale, bok choy, and okra are among the top 20 vegetables with the highest calcium, which helps strengthen your tooth enamel.

Parsley, Basil and Mint

There's a scientific reason why parsley, basil, and mint leave your mouth feeling fresh. "They have enzymes that bind to sulfur-containing compounds and help neutralize odors," says Mitola.

Plus, like apples, these herbs have polyphenols, which inhibit the growth of bad bacteria. [DDHK News]

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