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FKMPU Holds Journalism Training

In writing the news we write what we see and what we hear. This was stated by Benu Hidayat, a journalist Suara Merdeka East Java, in a Journalism Training event at the headquarters of the Hong Kong BMI BMI Communication Forum Mu'minat Cares, Room A 9 / F No. 32 Jardine Bazaar, Causeway Bay Hong Kong, Sunday (8/1/2012). The event was attended by 35 participants.

Benu explains about journalistic products. What is the format, content, and writing style as well as the technique of writing news or interviews using the 5W + 1H method (What, Who, Where, When, Why, How).

According to him, information is needed. He feels happy that now more and more HK BMI organizations are concerned with journalism. He considered this a step forward so that they would become more informed. “Not only being a housewife, but also having advantages over others. The more media in Hong Kong, the more information they get, ”he said.

Benu advised BMI to be more diligent in learning in any matter. "Don't hesitate to look for bad news because people will learn from bad news so they don't repeat mistakes," he explained.

"The media should not cover it properly, as if there is no problem. The press or the media functions to provide information so that we reflect, even take lessons from trivial matters. "

According to the Head of FKMPU, Hindu Ummi Sa'adah, this event aims to improve the writing skills of forum members, especially those engaged in Tazkiyah - magazine forum, as an annual agenda program. He hopes that the articles, works, and information produced will be even better and useful for BMI HK in particular. (Rima Khumaira / ddhongkong.org). *

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