
Don't Underestimate Basmalah

MACAU - Basmalah or bismillahirrahmanirrahim reading is a short sentence. However, the reading has tremendous benefits and effects, and should not be underestimated.

That is the conclusion of the cult or lecture for more than seven minutes of Fajr prayer delivered by the Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Ustadz Sukron Makmun at the Macau Taklim Council (MATIM), Friday (24/5/2019). "We always read bismillahirrahmanirrahim. It is true that the reading of basmalah is short, but our prayers, according to Imam al-Shafi'i, are not valid if we do not read basmalah, ”he said.

"We must not underestimate the reading of basmalah. Forget to read bismillah, our food is not a blessing. We are having fun with our wives or husbands. Later our children will be born with demonic traits, because (during the fun times) they are accompanied by demons, "said Ustadz Sukron.

In the Al-Quran mentioned, Prophet Sulaiman 'alaihis-salam (as) conquered Bilqis, a queen from the land of Saba' with basmalah. Likewise the Prophet Musa (as), when he defeated Pharaoh, when he opened the Red Sea to make way, also with bismillah. The Prophet Noah (as), when his boat was walking, also read bismillah.

Ustadz Sukron also warned that if we carry or keep money without reading bismillah, sometimes the money is scattered or lost. "So bismillah is extraordinary," he said.

Then, why do you use the names Allah Ar-Rahman and Al-Rahim in basmalah instead of other names of Allah, and the two names of Allah are repeated so often in the Quran? Ar-Rahman 57 times and Ar-Rahim 114 times. Ustadz Sukron explained, this indicates that the mercy or love of Allah Ta'ala is wider than his wrath.

"Hence, we must not give up. If someone is discouraged from God's grace, this is a sign that he has not yet recited the Koran, "said Ustadz Sukron. [DDHKNews Team]

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