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Unknown People Damage Canberra's Islamic Center

Canberra-Islamic-CentreDDHK News, Australia - A Muslim community meeting hall in Canberra, Australia, the Canberra Islamic Center, was damaged by an unknown person for the second time in two weeks.

The management will meet with the local government, Monday (14/4/2014), to discuss better security measures.

The manager of the building, Azra Khan, explained that five televisions that had been replaced as a result of the previous attack were damaged again. He estimated that his party suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses as a result of this vandalism.

"They ruined everything. There was a gaping hole in the wall, all the lights smashed, and the electricity meter broken. They are doing it consciously so that the building cannot function without electricity, "Khan was quoted as saying Australian ABC.

"The paintings were removed from the walls and damaged, art works which were donated also damaged," he added.

In addition, the outer walls of the building were also full of graffiti. Azra Khan said that his party would meet with the government of the capital city of Canberra (ACT) to ask for help in tightening security.

"I think this vandalism was carried out because this building is the center of Islamic activities," he said.

“This clearly shows the perpetrator doesn't like us. We believe the perpetrator is the same person as the first vandalism, "explained Azra Khan.

Azra Khan deeply regrets this incident because Canberra has been known as a safe and tolerant city.

“Canberra is known to be very safe and tolerant. The people accept differences and are full of understanding, "he said. (kompas.com/radioaustralia.net.au).*

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