
Arrogant People: Happy Accursed by Allah

By: Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto, Lc., MA. [Candidate for PhD Degree from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia]

Hearing the word cursed by Allah SWT, makes us think again, what are the practices we do so that Allah curses us, while Allah is as good as the Essence who covers our disgrace in the world and the hereafter? One of the behaviors that Allah condemns is arrogance.

It is true, being arrogant is human behavior that is not liked by Allah (QS. An-Nahl: 23). Good being arrogant to Allah, as Satan is arrogant towards Allah's command to bow (pay homage) to Adam 'alahis-salam (Surah Al-Baqarah: 34). This is the first time pride occurs.

The mission of the Prophet Muhammad was to perfect the morals of his people, as he said: "Verily, I was sent to perfect good morals." (HR. Ahmad). So the Prophet gave an example of how to have a noble character, so that it must be emulated (Surah Al-Ahzab: 21)

Arrogant is a despicable character. So a good Muslim will not try to become a creature cursed by the Most Beautiful Essence. Once a Muslim has fallen into this pride, he will repent immediately.

Rasulullah SAW said: "Will you tell me about the inhabitants of hell? They are all tough people, rude, greedy, greedy, and takabbur (arrogant). " (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). The inhabitants of hell are those who are cursed by Allah.

"No one will enter heaven in whose heart there is pride as big as a mustard seed." There was someone who asked, "What about a person who likes to wear nice clothes and sandals?" He replied, "Verily Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Being proud is rejecting the truth and belittling others. " (HR. Muslim).

Let us evaluate each of us, is there any arrogant nature of ourselves: pride, appearance, descent, followers, and others. All what is proud of is only temporary and is entrusted by Allah. Even Allah can at any time take it away from us, so that they fall into poverty, fall into poor health, and are left behind by followers.
Allah SWT opens the door of repentance to any of us who commit sins and does not return to do so (Surah Ali Imran: 135). Then Allah will accept repentance and release the perpetrator from the trap of cursing. May Allah accept repentance from our pride. Allahu A'lam Bish-Showab.

May be useful!

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