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Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta Launches Inspirational Teacher Program

Teacher-Inspirational-DD-JogjaDDHK News, Indonesia -  Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta (DD Jogja) launched the Inspirational Teacher Program. "Hopefully this program can be realized well because this is the first time the Inspirational Teacher Program has been launched," said Ajeng Rahadiani Indraswari, Head of DD Jogja Branch, at the opening of the program on Thursday (13/3) in the Hall of Technical Service Unit (UPT) Purwosari District, Gunung Regency. Kidul, Yogyakarta.

According to Ajeng, the background of holding this program is due to the low implementation of current learning techniques applied by teachers, especially teachers in areas far from the city center.

"This program opens access to information about learning techniques for the assisted teachers. Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa Jogja cooperates with the Early Childhood Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta State University (UNY) in the technical implementation, "he explained.

Ajeng said, the beneficiaries of the Inspirational Teacher program were 52 honorary teachers (non-permanent teachers) PAUD / TK and SD in Purwosari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The form of the Inspirational Teacher Program is competency development training for assisted teachers.

The training focused on educational concept materials, curriculum development, media and learning media development, and classroom action research. More than that, the assisted teachers are also equipped with skills and knowledge about scientific writing.

"The training is held for four months with a meeting once a week, hopefully it will run smoothly," he hoped.

Through this recently launched program, teachers are expected to be able to use their abilities to earn other sources of living besides their income as honorary teachers, for example as book authors (textbooks, about the world of teaching and education, or test questions). (Dompetdhuafa.org). *

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