ArticleMigrant Writing

5 Tips for Interviewing with Prospective Employers

DDHK.ORG - For some Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong who have just finished their work contract, terminated, or terminated their contract, the process of finding a new employer can be tricky. And of course, everyone wants to find a good employer: given more salary if possible, given three meals a day, given a week off every week, and there is no CCTV in his house. For those of you who are Muslim, definitely hope that they are allowed to pray five times a day, fast in Ramadan, and wear a headscarf.

All of that will be determined from the interview process or interviews with prospective employers. Based on the author's experience, there are five tips that can be done, especially for Indonesian migrant workers who are Muslim, in order to impress and attract the attention of potential employers during the interview. In addition to the opportunity to be chosen by the employer, it is also permissible to wear a headscarf and cover one's genitals when working later.

The first thing to do before leaving for the interview, is doing ablution, and reading basmalah and prayers when leaving the house. “Berwudlu is maintaining purity. Rasulullah SAW always kept his wudlunya. So, including the sunnah mustahabbah (recommended sunnah). In fact, even in the house, Rasullullah SAW always maintains ablution, "said Ustadz's preacher Talqis Nurdianto on one occasion providing religious tausiyah to Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong.

The first tip, make sure the clothes we wear are polite, neat, and clean clothes.

The first thing a potential employer sees is our appearance. So, try not to wear revealing clothes, for example clothes that are too sexy, because it will affect our daily lives at work.

If we want legowo employers to accept the teachings of Islamic law, then we must also try to show our best clothes as Muslim women in front of prospective employers during interviews, at first sight. Directly or indirectly, we ask the question, is it okay to dress like that later? If the prospective employer does not like it, he / she will automatically answer: “no”. And usually, if he doesn't mind our appearance, he will answer: "yes".

“Actually, all agencies allow migrant workers to wear head covering during interviews. But sometimes, every employer is different. Some like it, some don't. But if the employer likes and really needs helpers, for him it doesn't matter, the important thing is that he can work. This can be asked directly during the interview, ”said Yolanda, Customer Service Assistant at the agency office Tsuen Wan's Overseas Employment Center (OEC).

The second tip, put on a smile and introduce yourself with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

The thing that should and is important to do is smile. Besides smiling, worship and alms are the easiest, of course, a smile is a good starting point for starting a conversation with a prospective employer.

Even if for example we have a face that is "just barely", smiling will make a lot of good impressions in the eyes of the prospective employer. Especially, for work to look after the elderly or look after children.

After that, usually prospective employers will invite us to introduce ourselves. There are also those who ask directly, starting from the name, number of children, to previous work experiences.

Use good English or Cantonese, in a firm, direct voice. Keep smiling and sitting up straight but polite throughout the interview.

The third tip, tell our previous work experiences to prospective new employers.

Sharing previous work experiences is a good thing to do. For example, our previous job was to look after three elderly people and a siuce. Among the elderly, one uses a wheelchair and two others are still able to walk but are ill. Also, the experience of washing grandma, helping with pampers, cleaning the house, not cooking, not shopping, and her Wednesday off.

Tell me what it is honestly. Don't add, or subtract.

The most important thing to remember, never to tell about the ugliness and ugliness of the former employer during the interview. In addition to wasting time, this will give a potential employer a negative impression of our personality traits that dare to reveal the disgrace of a former employer.

The fourth tip, tell us the other skills we have.

For example, we used to work in Taiwan and are good at Chinese cooking. Or, we are good at massaging. Well, all of that will certainly be an added value for us.

The fifth tip, if there are questions that you want to ask, ask them directly in a friendly and polite manner, after the employer has interviewed.

Usually, after the interview is over, the employer will invite us to ask questions. If we are not asked to ask, we can take a minute to ask about important points. For example, can we pray? Explain that we do, for example, only 5 minutes and after that we can continue working. Another example, do we have our own room.

Actually, there are many other tips. These five tips are only part of it. After we have made every effort, whatever the result is only Allah Ta'ala who determines. [Nurhalimah / DDHK News]

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