
Do you have skin contact with the opposite sex and disbelievers cancel ablution?

Do you have skin contact with the opposite sex and disbelievers cancel ablution?


Assalamu'alaikum, Ustadz.

Can accidental contact with a non-mahram invalidate ablution? For example, going to an assembly to learn to read Al-Quran and when in a vehicle accidentally touch the skin when jostling. Or, we have performed ablution and there happens to be a guest while serving drinks, accidentally bumping into them.

Also, what about the opinion that disbelievers are unclean. If it is unclean, do you have to purify before praying when you touch them, even though an infidel is a woman?

Thank you for the answer, Ustadz.




Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

In contact between men and women, whether to cancel ablution or not, there was a difference of opinion among the scholars of the school of thought. Shafi'i schools argued, ablution is canceled if there is contact. Madzhab Maliki is of the opinion that wudhu is canceled if there is lust or intention of lust. The Hanafi school of thought is of the opinion that his wudhu is not canceled at all.

If the majority of Indonesian Muslims practice Shafi'i, of course their wudhu will be canceled if they come into contact with the opposite sex, even with their own spouse, between husband and wife. This is a more cautious opinion, in my opinion. Because, there is an intention to lust or not, especially when it is true that there is skin contact, sometimes it is difficult for us to say whether we are taking a birth or not. Then the precautionary opinion is better in our opinion.

If you are in contact with the opposite sex but there are still obstacles and there is no desire, then wudhu is not canceled.

As for contact with the same sex, whether the person is Muslim / Muslim or non-Muslim / Muslim, then his wudhu is certainly not canceled. And what is meant by unbelievers is unclean because their creeds are unclean, not their bodies. Unless it is clear that there is a part of their body that is exposed to an unclean object and then it touches our skin, then automatically we will be exposed to unclean from that object.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

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