
The virtues of Halal and Haram are despicable

By: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

Understanding Halal and Haram    

Halal and haram are two opposing laws. Halal is everything that is allowed by Allah SWT and His Messenger, while haram is anything that is prohibited by both of them, as explained in the following hadith:

عن أبي عبدالله النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول "إن الحلال بين و الحرام بين, وبينهما مشتبهات قد لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس, فمن اتقى الشبهات فقد استبرأ لدينه وعرضه, ومن وقع في الشبهات فقد وقع في الحرام, كالراعي يرعى حول الحمى يوشك أن يرتع فيه, ألا وأن لكل ملك حمى, ألا وإن حمى الله محارمه, إلا وإن في الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله, وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله, ألا وهي القلب

From Abu 'Abdillah An-Nu'man bin Basyir ra, said: “I heard Rasulullah SAW say: "Verily what is lawful is clear and what is haram is clear, and between the two there are vague matters (mutasyabihat, syubhat), most people do not know it, so whoever keeps himself from that vague (syubhat), means he has save his religion and honor, and whoever falls into an obscure area then he has fallen into an unclean area, like a shepherd who shepherds around the forbidden area then he almost fell into therein. Remember, every king has a ban and remember that All prohibitsah what he hath forbidden. Remember that in the body there is a piece of flesh. JIf he is good, the whole body is good, and if he is corrupt, the whole body will be damaged. Know that a lump of meat is a heart. (Narrated by Bukhari no. 52 and Muslim no. 1599).

The Importance of Eating Halal Before Charity        

Halal food will have a positive impact on people who eat it. On the other hand, good food, especially what is haram, will have a negative impact on those who eat it too.

A person can get the pleasure of taufiq, which is in the form of easy to do righteous deeds because of the halal intake he consumes. Likewise, the unlawful food will certainly encourage someone who eats it to commit immorality and is heavy when they want to do good deeds.

If someone prays or does good deeds, but the treasures he accumulates and eats come from something that is haram, then what he does is useless. Allah SWT said:

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلرُّسُلُ كُلُواْ مِنَ ٱلطَّيِّبَٰتِ وَٱعۡمَلُواْ صَٰلِحًاۖ إِنِّي بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ عَلِيمٞ َ

"O apostles, eat good food, and do righteous deeds. Verily, I know best what you are doing ". {Surah Al-Mukminun: 51}

That is, Allah SWT commands His servants to eat food that is halal and good before they do good deeds.

Rasulullah saw also said:

لَبُ الْعِلْمِ عَلَى لِّ لِمٍ لِمَةٍ

Meaning: "Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every male Muslim and female Muslim." (HR. Ibn Abdil Barr)

Some scholars argue that what is meant by science in the above hadith is knowledge that can show what is halal and haram.

Among the virtues of making a living or eating halal are as follows:

  1. Like a mujahid fi sabilillah;
  2. His prayer was granted by Allah SWT;
  3. Worship is accepted;
  4. Keep away from hell.

Opinion Ulong time about Pimportance Halal        

Abdullah bin Abbas ra said: "Allah does not accept shalat someone who has something unclean in his stomach.

Ibrahim bin Adham said: "It is not said that a person is intelligent, but he understands what goes into his throat".

Fudhail bin Iyadh said: "Whoever knows (be careful with) what goes into his throat, then he belongs to the shiddiqin group, then look who feeds you."

Sufyan Ats-Tsauri said: "Whoever gives a donation with haram property in order to obey Allah is like someone who cleans clothes that are unclean with urine, even though clothes that are unclean cannot be cleaned except with clean water, and sins cannot be forgiven except by (eating) what is unclean. lawful ”.

Yahya bin Ma'adz said: “Obedience is a cupboard (treasury) that is owned by Allah. The key is prayer, and the key teeth are eating what is lawful.

Importance Ssnap Wfig' in Islam

Wara ' is the attitude of caution from matters that are honest, especially those that are haram. Wara ' also includes not to exaggerate even in lawful matters. Rasulullah SAW said:

ل العلم ل العبادة الورع

"The virtue of studying is more than the virtue of a lot of worship. And the best of your religion is wara '”. (Narrated by Ath-Thobroni in Al-Ausath)

There are 4 levels of wara ', namely:

  1. Wara'nya fair people. Wara 'this is the wara'nya of ordinary people who know halal and haram matters only as much as what they know from the advice or fatwas of the scholars.
  2. Wara'nya pious people. This type of wara 'is when a person can keep himself from falling for a matter of righteousness. Of course the wara 'is higher than the first wara'.
  3. Wara'nya pious people. Namely, when someone is able to leave the case of immoralization excessively.
  4. Wara'nya shiddiq people. The highest level of wara 'is wara' of this type, which is when someone is very careful about doing what is lawful but he is worried that this lawful act could turn away from Allah at all.

Hopefully being a helpful science. Aamiin.

Delivered on Online Study, Sunday, October 18, 2020

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