
Tithe Routinely After Listening to Lectures on YouTube

MONG KOK | HONG KONG - An Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) with the initials R has only worked for about 5 months in Hong Kong. However, having a high enthusiasm for zakat, set aside a portion of his salary to be invested in the way of Allah.

"R knows Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) from Facebook. Since meeting us last November, he has wanted to routinely give zakat through the DDHK Fundraising Team and ask for his donations to be picked up in the Mong Kok area, where he works, "said Puji, a member of the DDHK Fundraising Team.

The PMI from Central Java admitted that he had awareness of paying zakat after hearing a lecture by an ustadz that he had watched on Youtube social media. "He said, when we get a fortune, it is not 100 percent ours, but some of it belongs to orphans or poor people. Hearing that, my heart was moved. So I want to always set aside the fortune I get, "said R, as recounted by Puji.

“Some time ago I sent a message to the Facebook inbox Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong, ask about zakat. Alhamdulillah, they were answered and directed to contact the DDHK Fundraising Team, "said Puji, recounting R.

May we all always be istiqomah in spreading and doing good! [DDHKNews]

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