
The virtues of Surat Al-Kahf

By: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

Delivered at the Online Study on Sunday, November 8, 2020

Get to know Surat Al-Kahf

Surat al-Kahf is a letter makkiyah according to all scholars of interpretation. Indeed, there are some scholars who argue that the first to eight verses are classified Madaniyah, however the first opinion is stronger. This is based on the opinion of Abdullah bin Abbas who of course he knows better about matters relating to the letters in the Qur'an including asbabun nuzul (reasons for the decline) certain verses or surahs.

The names

Surat Al-Kahfi has several names, including:

  1. Al-Kahfi (cave)

It is named Al-Kahf because it tells of a cave that was used as a hiding place for a group of young believers totaling seven and a dog named Kithmir from the pursuit of an unjust king in order to defend their faith from apostasy.

Then what's the difference between al-kahf and al-ghor which both mean cave? Term al-kahf used for a cave used by a group of young men hiding together with a dog that belonged to them. While the term al-ghor used for caves when Prophet Muhammad PBUH performed holdnuts (seclusion) until he got his first revelation, namely in the cave of Hira ', also used for the cave which was used as a hiding place for him with his friend Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq when he was in the middle of a journey from Mecca to Medina, namely the Tsur cave.

According to the al-ma'any dictionary, the differences between al-kahf and al-ghor is; al-kahf has a size wider and a depth that is longer than al-ghor.

 Ashabul Kahfi (people hiding in caves)

Named Ashabul Kahfi because it tells the story of seven young believers who hide in a cave like the one above. Where they slept for three hundred and nine years.

  1. Al-Ha'ilah (barrier)

Named al-Ha'lah because as a barrier for the reader from the slander of life, death, dajjal, and from the torments of hell. Surat al-Kahfi has a total of 6306 letters, 1579 words, and 110 verses.

Because The said Surat Al-Kahf

Abu Ja'far Ath-Thobari narrated from Abdullah bin Abbas, he said: "The tribe of Quraish sent Nadlr bin Harith and Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith to go to Medina to inquire about the truth of Prophet Muhammad's prophethood to the Jewish priests there, because they are the people of the book who know the characteristics of a Prophet. The priests also left three questions which were later addressed to the Prophet Muhammad, namely about; a group of missing youths, a fair man who traveled from east to west, and spirits. After returning from Medina, Nadlr bin Harith and Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith informed the people of Mecca, then they asked the Prophet Muhammad about the three things. Then he also asked to be given time to answer. Day after day passed, while Rasulullah SAW had not yet answered them, so they began to feel victorious and convinced that Muhammad had lied and claimed to be a Prophet and Messenger. It was only after 15 days had passed that the revelation came to him with a letter al-Kahf and the 85th verse from Surat Al-Isra 'about the spirit, namely:

وَيَسۡ‍َٔلُونَكَ عَنِ ٱلرُّوحِۖ قُلِ ٱلرُّوحُ مِنۡ أَمۡرِ رَبِّي وَمَآ أُوتِيتُم مِّنَ ٱلۡعِلۡلٗ إِلَّا قَلِ

"And they ask you about ruh. Say: "RuThis is the business of my Lord, and you are not given knowledge but a little. [Surah Al-Isra ': 85]

The virtues of Surat Al-Kahf

There are many hadith reports that explain the virtues of surah al-Kahf, including:

  1. From Abu Darda ', from the Holy Prophet he said:

عشر ات ل الكهف الدجال (رواه لم)

"Whoever memorizes the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, it will be protected from slander by the Dajjal ”. (Reported by Muslim)

  1. From Abu Darda ', from the Holy Prophet he said:

العشر الأواخر الكهف الدجال (رواه لم)

"Whoever reads the last ten verses of Surat al-Kahf, will be protected from the slander of the Dajjal". (Reported by Muslim)

  1. From Al-Abarra 'bin' Azib he told: “One night there was a man reading Al-Kahf's letter while his horse was tied beside him. Suddenly there was a cloud that lowered and continued to descend downward so that the horse ran. In the morning, the person told this incident to the Messenger of Allah, then he said: "That is the sakinah (calm) that comes down because of the recitation of the Qur'an". (Narrated by Bukhari Muslim)
  2. From Ali bin Abi Talib, the Messenger of Allah said:

الكهف الجمعة لى انية ام ل الدجال منه

"Whoever reads the letter al-Kahf on the day Jpeople, then he will be awake from all the slander that is up to the next eight days, and if Dgo out, he is awake from her ". (This hadith was narrated by Ibn Marduwaih)

  1. From Abu Sa'id Al-Kudri, the Messenger of Allah said:

الكهف ليلة الجمعة اء له النور ا البيت العتيق (رواه الدارمي)

"Whoever reads the letter al-Kahf at night Jpeople, then he will be illuminated between himself and Kfather". (HR Darimi)

  1. From Abu Sa'id Al-Kudri, the Messenger of Allah said:

الكهف الجمعة اء له النور ا الجمعتين (رواه الحاكم)

"Whoever reads the letter al-Kahf on the day Jpeople, then it will be illuminated by the light between the two Jpeople ”. (HR Judge)

Earlier salafuses such as Imam Shafi'i and so on were accustomed to reading Surat al-Kahf twice, namely once on Friday night, and once on Friday. This is because there are two hadiths that explain the virtue of reading the letter at night or day.

  1. From Abdullah bin Umar, the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever reads the letter al-Kahf on the day Jpeople, then he will be illuminated from under his feet up to the heavens on the day KI despised, and was forgiven his sin between the two Jpeople ”. (This hadith was narrated by Ibn Marduwaih)
  2. From Aisyah, the Messenger of Allah said: "Will I tell you a letter whose majesty fills everything between the heavens and the earth, and for the writer receives such a reward.? Whoever reads it on the day Jpeople, then his sins are forgiven between himself and Jthe following people and added the next three days. And whoever reads the last five verses from him before going to sleep, Allah will wake him up on which part of the night he wants. The companions answered: "Yes, Rasulullah". Rasulullah saw said: "Surah Ashabul Kahfi". (Ibn Marduwaih)
  3. From Abdullah bin Mughoffal, the Messenger of Allah said: "The house that the letter reads from aThe l-Kahf in it will not be entered by the devil that night ”. (Ibn Marduwaih) [DDHK News]

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