
Suggested recitation of dhikr when trapped in debt

DDHK. ORG - A friend complained to Rasulullah SAW regarding the debt he suffered. "Why not practice Sayyidul Istighfar?" Rasulullah said.

Rasulullah also advised his friends to read the following tasbih and istighfar, every time between dawn and Fajr prayer, a total of 100 times.

انَ اللهِ انَ اللهِ العَظِيْمِ اللهَ

Subhânallâhi wa bi hamdih, subhânallâhil 'azhim, astaghfirullâh.

It means, "Glory to Allah and praise be to Him. Glory be to Allah the Most Great. I ask Allah for forgiveness, ”(See Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi bin Abbas Al-Maliki, Ma Dza fi Sya'ban, 1424 H, page 63). Allah knows best. (Source: NU Online)

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