ArticleIslamic WorldFiqh

The Law of Multiplying Prayers Every Day While Living in Another Country

DDHK. ORG - Plural prayer is a solution while on the go. But how hukum people who make plural prayers every day for those who live in country another or another country?

This has been mentioned before Prof. DR. Hasbi As-Shiddiqi, Acehnese living in Yogyakarta. We do not yet know for sure what the argument is used by this character in allowing plural throughout the day for immigrants who live in other countries.

However, in the hadith of Imam Bukhari and Muslim, there is a narration from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet PBUH used the Zuhur and Asr prayers as well as Maghrib and Isha' prayers for no reason.

In the Shafi'i school, a person is not allowed to take rukhsoh plural prayer or qoshor unless he intends to stay at least 4 days.

Imam Nawawi said that a person has not been called settled if he has only stayed for 3 days. Based on this explanation, it can be understood that rukhsah (plural relief) is only allowed for people who are not settled.

However, in other hadiths it is found that the Prophet (s) used to perform multiple prayers when staying more than 4 days. This is as he did during the fathu of Makkah and times of war. This opinion is agreed upon by the Maliki school of thought.

From the other side, this case belongs to Al Jam'u fi Al Hadhr (plural prayers at mukim), because someone who has lived in a country for months or years can no longer be called a traveler.

As for the hadith of Ibn Abbas above, it cannot be simply put into practice, this note was stated by Imam At Tirmidhi (w. 279 H.) in the book of Al "Ilal that all traditions in the book of Sunan At Tirmidhi may be practiced except for 2 hadiths, one of which is a hadith. the Ibn Abbas.

This is different from Imam Muhammad bin Sirin who allows it as long as it is not made a habit every day.

Among the Imam Mujtahids who are the most lax in explaining the plural of prayers are Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. This is as stated by Sayyid Saabiq in Fiqh Assunnah, but this leeway never allows someone who lives in another country to have multiple prayers every day. Wallahu a'lam. [DDHK News]

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