
Legal Vaccination with AstraZeneca

Legal Vaccination with AstraZeneca

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

What to do after knowing the AztraZeneca vaccine is haram? Meanwhile, some have already been vaccinated once using that brand of vaccine. In Indonesia, there is no choice. And, which is better, whether to follow the words of the party giving the vaccine or not? Explanation please.

Shukron, Chaplain.

Greetings, Fulanah


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

Thanks for the question. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued fatwa Number 14 of 2021 regarding the Law on the Use of the AstraZeneca Vaccine.

Even though it contains haram contents, the fatwa explains that the use of AstraZeneca vaccines is currently permissible or permissible.

The use of the vaccine is subject to several conditions:

  1. There is a condition of urgent need or hajah syar'iyyah which occupies a syar'i emergency condition.
  2. There is information from competent and trusted experts about the danger or fatal risk if the Covid-19 vaccination is not immediately carried out.
  3. The availability of the halal and holy Covid-19 vaccine is still insufficient for the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination in an effort to achieve herd immunity.
  4. The AstraZeneca vaccine already has a safety guarantee for its use by the government.
  5. The government does not have the discretion to choose the type of Covid-19 vaccine given the limited vaccine available.

Thus the question posed.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


[Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim]

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