
The Prophet's Guidance in Fitrah and All Its Diversity

Must know the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad

From here it can be seen the urgency of the needs of the servant who can not be bargained again to find out the instructions brought by the Prophet Muhammad. Because, there is no way to get luck except through the instructions.

The good and the bad cannot be identified in detail except from the side of the clue. Whatever the need that comes and whatever the urgency that arises, then the urgency of the servant and his need for this Apostle is much more important.

What do you think of the person whom you have been desperate to give him a hint? No one can feel this except a living heart. Because the dead no longer feel pain.

If happiness depends on the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, then anyone who wants salvation for himself must know and know his instructions, sirah, and circumstances, so that he is free from the snares of stupid people.

In this case, there are people who get a little, get a lot, and some people don't get it at all. The bounty is only in the hands of Allah, which is given to whomever He wills.

The Prophet's guidance in nature and all its diversity

There is a difference of opinion as to whether the Messenger of Allah was circumcised since birth, or circumcised by an angel when his chest was split open, or whether his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was circumcised.

He likes to prioritize the right when wearing sandals, when starting the path, purification, taking, and giving. His right hand is used for eating, drinking, and cleaning, while his left hand is used to clean dirt when in the restroom for example.

His guidance in shaving, then all parts of the hair are shaved evenly or all are not shaved at all. He never shaved some without the other. It is never narrated about shaving except when performing Hajj.

He likes to siwak and does it, both when fasting and not fasting. He sings every time he wakes up from sleep, when he wants to perform ablution, when he wants to pray, when he wants to enter the house, with a branch from a wine tree. He often uses perfume and loves it.

He has a shading device that he uses when going to sleep, and both eyes are abused. The Companions differed in opinion, did he ever dye his hair or not?

According to Anas, he never dyed his hair. According to Abu Hurairah, he once dyed his hair.

There is a group of people who argue that he often uses perfumed oil, which makes his hair reddish, thus giving rise to the assumption that he dyed his hair, even though he did not dye it.

Abu Rimtsah said, "I have seen his gray hair turn red. According to At Tirmidhi, what Abu Rimtsah said is the best interpretation. Because some authentic narrations state that he did not have gray hair except for a few strands of hair at the part of the hair. To be sure, he oiled his hair a lot.

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas, that he used to trim his mustache. It is also narrated that Ibrahim Alaihis Salam also used to trim his mustache.

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said:

“Trim the mustache and keep the beard. You are different from the Magi." (Narrated by Muslim).

From Anas, he said, "The Prophet SAW limited the time for trimming the mustache and trimming the nails, so that we do not keep them for more than 40 days." (Narrated by Muslim).

Excerpted from the translation of the book Zadul Ma'ad (Provisions for the Journey to the Hereafter) by Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah

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