
The Nature of the Prophet's Prayer: Reading the First Greetings and the Order of the Pillars (12)

DDHK.ORG - The practice of praying from the time of our ancestors to the present day generally uses the standard of prayer described by the Shafi'i school of thought. This is because the majority of the Indonesian population is generally the Shafi'i school of thought. The scholars who spread Islam in the archipelago, of course, were also scholars of the Shafi'i school of thought. So automatically the practice of prayer is based on the fiqh of the Shafi'i school of thought.

Through this series of articles, DDHK News describes the nature of the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad based on the Shafi'i school, as written by Muhammad Ajib, Lc., MA. in his book "Sahih Evidence of the Prophet's Prayer Ala Madzhab Syafi'iy".


Reading the First Greetings

The greeting that is said when turning to the right is obligatory. As for the greeting that is said when turning to the left, it is sunnah.

The Shafi'i school uses a valid argument narrated by Imam Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi, "From the friend of Ali bin Abi Talib Karramallahu Wajhahu, the Prophet said: The key to prayer is ablution, and the beginning of prayer is takbir, and the end of prayer is to say greetings. . (HR. Abu Dawud & At Tirmidhi)

Peaceful Order

The pillars that we have mentioned above (from part 1 to part 12 about the nature of the Prophet's prayer) must be done in an orderly or sequential manner. This is based on the practice of the Prophet when he prayed.

From the companions of Malik bin Al-Huwairits Radhiyallahu 'anhu that the Prophet said: Pray as you see me praying. (Hadith narrated by Bukhari)

[Continued] [DDHKNews]

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