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RST Dompet Dhuafa Serve 17.000 Beneficiaries

RST DDDDHK News, Indonesia - During the first four months of 2014, Rumah Sehat Terpadu Hospital (RST) Dompet Dhuafa around 17 thousand beneficiaries (poor people).

"As of the end of March 2014, there were approximately 17 thousand beneficiaries who had received health services at the RST," said dr. Main Meeting, RST Health Service Manager Dompet Dhuafa, Wednesday (23/4).

In his presentation, dr. He revealed, of the total health services provided to beneficiaries, an increase in the number of patients occurred in the emergency unit (IGD) and inpatient units.

"The emergency unit has served 2.085 patients, while inpatients have served 375 patients," he added.

Based on the graph of the development of beneficiaries in RST in 2014, from January to March, polyclinic services occupied the highest number of beneficiaries with a total of 10.105 beneficiaries.

From January to March 2014, the number of beneficiaries of health services at RST continued to increase. In January the number of beneficiaries was 5.147, then in February it increased by 5.730, and in March there were 5.874.

Refer to data on health beneficiaries Dompet Dhuafa itself, in 2013 the area of ​​Bogor Regency in particular experienced an increase from the previous year. In 2012 the number of health beneficiaries Dompet Dhuafa 1.997 and in 2013 it increased by 2.359.

As a hospital that is built with waqf funds and for its operational costs, it uses zakat, infaq and shodaqoh funds. RST Dompet Dhuafa hope to continue to help maintain the health of the poor. (Dompetdhuafa.org)

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