
How to deal with parents who never appreciate child giving


Assalamualaikum, Chaplain.

Ustadz, I ask for directions. What should I do to my parents who always don't appreciate my gifts and always don't admit it when I send money to them? My parents always talk to neighbors, never received money from me and now both of them don't want to acknowledge me as their child.

So far, my parents treat me like a hated stepchild. Their treatment was different to my brothers and sisters who were always spoiled until now. As for me, it's just for the needs.

Every night I cry over my fate from childhood until now: why do my parents hate me and do not respect me?

I'm trying to forget my bad childhood. I'm sincere. Maybe it's my fate like this. I keep trying to make my parents happy while I am still strong for work.

Many people tell me: even your parents you give a mountain is nothing to them. But I don't care what other people say. I continue to send money every month.

But after my parents stopped recognizing me as their child and didn't appreciate my efforts, my heart felt sad.

What should I do with this situation, Ustadz? Please directions.





Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

The key is to be patient, sincere, and always husnuzhon with Allah's provisions. Do not believe the words: "useless and in vain, what we give is meaningless".

Patience is a practice whose reward will be given regardless of measure. That is, the amount is without reckoning.

Allah SWT said: "Surely only those who are patient are the reward will be perfected for them without counting." (QS Az-Zumar: 10).

Still serve the best for our parents, however he is. Even if he is an infidel and polytheist, we are still ordered to do good. Moreover, if you are still Muslim.

May Allah bestow blessings on all of us, especially for the questioner.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

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