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Hashtag #WhoIsMuhammad on Twitter Share the Personal Honor Rasulullah Saw

#WhoIsMuhammad muhammad Rasulullah sawDDHK News, France - The Charlie Hebdo magazine assault case in Paris raises hashtag new on social media Twitter #WhoIsMuhammad to show the personality of the Prophet Muhammad.

The new hashtag for the campaign about the glory of Prophet Muhammad SAW had become trending topic for several hours. The hashtag is one of the efforts of Muslims around the world to defend the image of the Prophet who has often been ridiculed, including through cartoons published by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

"#WhoIsMuhammad The best husband, the best companion, the best mentor, the best teacher - he is the best of the best," wrote the account owner with the name Abdullahhasan, Wednesday, January 14 2015, as reported.

"#WhoIsMuhammad Men who fought, their family members were killed, boycotted because of their belief in Allah - but love them," he added.

The hashtag #WhoIsMuhammad was trending on Twitter on Wednesday, the same day that 5 million copies of the French satirical magazine began selling its new edition after last week's attacks and used an image described as a Prophet on its cover.

"He (Muhammad Saw) said 'Not someone among you is said to be a believer, so he loves something for his brother as he loves something for himself' #WhoIsMuhammad," the tweet read oneCharityWeek.

"We are the people, and we will unite. #WhoIsMuhammad “.

The cartoon insulting the Prophet Muhammad in Charlie Hebdo magazine angered the Muslim world, but the Muslim world also condemned the brutal attack on the magazine's offices last week. (mel /*

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