
Mother Kifayati led Bustanul Ulum Tuen Mun

TUEN MUN | HONG KONG - The Bustanul Ulum Council, Sunday (24/11/2019), held a routine khotmil-Qur'an event with several assemblies at Tuen Mun Park. The event was continued with religious tausiyah and the inauguration of the new board by the General Manager Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Ustadz Imam Baihaqi.

Bunda Kifayati was inaugurated as Chairman of the Bustanul Ulum Tuen Mun Council, continuing the service of Mother Marini who had finished her term of office.

On this occasion Usatdz Imam Baihaqi delivered tausiyah about the benchmarks of one's faith in Allah Ta'ala. Namely, among others, saying good or silent, not hurting neighbors, and glorifying guests.

[Praise Mulyani]

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