
Manners of Implementing Obedience

Adab-Adab Carrying Out Obedience

DDHK.ORG - Know that Allah's commands are fardhu (mandatory) and some are circumcised. What is fardhu is capital, namely the principle of commerce. And with this capital we will be safe. Meanwhile, what is circumcised is profit and with that advantage we will get several degrees of excess.

Rasulullah SAW said: "Allah Ta'ala has said (in the hadith qudsi), there is no more suitable way for My servants to attach themselves to Me as if they are performing the worship that I have committed upon them. And always a servant attaches himself to Me by adding to the practice of circumcision (after they have done the fardhu-fardhu) so that I love him. When I have loved him I am the hearing he hears with, I am the sight he saw with him, I am the tongue he spoke to him, I am the hand he touched with him, and I am the foot he walked with. " (Hadith narrated by Bukhari from Abu Hurairah)

And you, O claimant, cannot carry out all the commands of Allah Ta'ala except by controlling your heart and all your members at all times and your breath, from morning to evening.

Allah is All-Knowing

And know that Allah Ta'ala knows everything that is in your heart, He sees everything that is in your zahir and mind. He knows all your troubles, the trajectories of your heart, all your steps, all your silence and your movements. Whether you hang out with the crowd or you sit alone, in fact you are always in the care of your Lord.

So it does not remain silent in the realm of "Mulk" (the realm that is visible to humans) and the realm of "Malakut" (the realm that is not visible to humans) and does not move anything but God who controls all the heavens and the earth sees and knows it. As He said: "He (Allah) knows the sight of the eyes that is treacherous and what the heart hides." (Surah Al Mukmin, verse 19)

His words again: "God knows secrets and more hidden ones." (Surah Thaha, verse 7)

So take care your manners before your Lord, whether zahir or mental, like the civilization of a despicable servant who makes many mistakes in the presence of a mighty king. Be earnest that you live adab so that your Lord does not see you in the place that he forbids.

Do not let you be where He wants you to be. You will not be able to do this unless you arrange your masses carefully and arrange your wirid (your reading) from morning to evening.

So listen carefully, because I will mention everything that your Lord told you to start from when you wake up (in the morning) until you return to your original bed the next day.

Taken from the book translation of the book Bidayatul Hidayah/ The beginning of the Way of Hidayah by Al Imam Hujjatul Islam Al Ghazali ra

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