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DDHK Distributes Aid to Dhuafa Banyumas and South Tangerang

DDHK Distributes Aid to Dhuafa Banyumas and South Tangerang

DDHK.ORG - Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) again distributed aid and compensation to the country. Assistance is provided through volunteers and administrators of majelis taklim partners in da'wah Hong Kong.

On November 24, 2020, DDHK received report distribution of aid from Harsinah, a DDHK volunteer who is currently awaiting a visa in Indonesia, regarding the distribution of aid in Wangon District, Banyumas, Central Java. "We say thank you to you Imam Baihaqi, G.M Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong, women volunteers, and donors in Hong Kong, for donations to the poor in Banyumas, "said Harsinah in her report.

The assistance was given to Mrs. Sugiarti, Mr. Tarja and Mrs. Sebukti, Mrs. Kus, whose address is at Jambu Village, Wangon District, Banyumas. The aid was also handed over to Grandma Sarinah, Mrs. Sanem, Mrs. Mar, who has her address at Wangon Village, Wangon District.

"Hopefully, the acts of worship of Mr. Imam and the volunteer women, and shodaqoh of the donors will be rewarded by Allah with a better reply. Hopefully DDHK will continue to progress, be successful, and be more successful, ”said the volunteer who plans to fly to Hong Kong in a week.

Compensation for Sick Dhuafa and Orphans

Previously, on November 11, DDHK also received a report on the distribution of aid from Mira, the former chairman of the Islamic Ukhuwah Council Yuen Long, one of the taklim groups of DDHK's da'wah partners. Funding assistance was given to Bapak Rohani who was sick and seven orphans whose address was Jl. Gapura Menteng, Sector 5, Jurang Mangu Barat Village, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang.

"Special thanks to Mr. Imam Baihaqi DDHK and DDHK volunteer women for the donations that have been given to our brothers who are sick on behalf of Mr. Rohani and to orphans Sakira, Hernaya, Sulton, Dewi, Upik Riwayati, Riska Dwi. , and Tessa Arini, "said Mira in her report. [official]

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